Free training course to promote proper nutritional health during the corona in 11/24/2020

Author: پشتیبان/Tuesday, November 24, 2020/Categories: News

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In order to improve the health of patients and their companions, a free training class on proper nutrition during the corona was held on 11/24/2020 in Bina Hospital and explanations in this regard were provided by Ms. Reyhani, Master of Nutrition, Bina Hospital.

Proper nutrition during the corona:

Due to the importance and necessity of strengthening the immune system by Covid 19 patients and recovering patients, it is necessary to observe the principles of nutrition.

The outbreak of coronavirus, along with symptoms such as colds, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and other respiratory problems, has affected various age groups over the past ten months, including the elderly, patients with cardiovascular disease, and hypertension. , Diabetes, asthma, and people with defective immune systems were at higher risk for the virus.

Therefore, nutritional care is necessary to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection or its complications during the course of infection with the virus and during recovery.

The most important and key advice for preventing the disease is to increase the level of the body's immunity, so in this regard, food sources of vitamin "C" should be used.

These food sources include a variety of fruits and vegetables, including green leafy vegetables such as vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, wheat germ, mung bean and clover, citrus fruits, kiwi and other fruits and vegetables.

Avoiding fatty and salty foods, all kinds of salty snacks, all kinds of canned foods and sausages and hot dogs are recommended and added: it is possible to strengthen the immune system during the day by using food sources with vitamin "D".

Food sources of iron and zinc, including red meat, poultry and fish, eggs and a variety of vegetables, fresh and dried legumes and fruits, and whole grains in the daily diet are effective in boosting the body's immunity.

Drinking plenty of fluids helps maintain immunity, so drinking 6 to 8 glasses of healthy drinking water and other fluids daily is recommended.

Daily consumption of soy, cottonseed, olive, walnut, sesame and rapeseed oils is essential for the supply of some fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, but eating high-fat and salty foods stimulates the immune system, swelling and inflammation in various parts of the body, including the ducts

The patient needs more protein, so it is recommended to provide daily protein by consuming red meat, chicken, fish, as well as pasteurized dairy products, cheese, milk, yogurt, curd, buttermilk and eggs.

The vitamins needed by the body during the disease have not been adequately supplied and absorbed due to the increased need for nutrients and nutrients, water and electrolytes due to high metabolism in the body and at the same time anorexia caused by the disease.

It is recommended to follow a diet rich in plant foods with minimal processing including fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, legumes, fish and poultry and low consumption of red meat to speed up the healing process.

Adequate food intake and balance and variety in consumption, leads to strengthening the immune system and rapid return to health; It is also recommended to continue to take nutritional supplements in accordance with the instructions in children under 2 years, pregnant and lactating mothers, adolescents and the elderly.


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